Hello... Lets discuss about the five elements, The pancha mahabootha
Actually it is a beautiful concept that can be related to each and everything in this universe. And simpler form to understand things even human body, diseases. Which will also helpful for the selection of treatments. It can be considered as one of the fundamentals of ayurveda as mahabootha helps to create doshas, were doshas are the basic of ayurveda. The fundamental structural basis of all living beings (including all plants, animals and humans) are 5 elements or ‘Panchmaha bhootas.’ Panch means five; maha means supreme and bhootas means powers. The 5 elements form subtle essence or tanmatra. These tanmathras embodied the 5 mahabhoots as follows. *Tanmathra - subtle essense These bhoothas gives life to tanmathras, which resembles the senses. The five tanmathras are Sound (Shabda), Touch (Sparsha), Vision (Roopa), Taste (Rasa), Smell (Gandha). These tanmatras are related to each sense organ. (Refered from padhartha vijnyana) These five basic elements include
Ether or Universal Space (Aakash) Akasha means space i.e. having space/ freedom to move. The qualities of the ether element include- light, subtle, and immeasurable and are related to actions such as expansion, vibration, non-resistance. The ear is the sensory organ related to ether element. The tanmatra of the ether element is Sound or Shabda. it can be corelated to any hollow space present in the universe. Air (Vayu) Air element is related to movement or a sense of constant motion. The qualities of air element include sensitivity, motion, cool and subtle presence. Skin is the sensory organ related to air element. The tanmatra of the air element is Touch or Sparsha. Divine Fire (Agni) The air element performs movements and whenever there is movement, it causes friction and this leads to the formation of fire. The qualities of fire element are related to various functions such as penetration, digestion of food, conversion of thoughts, intellect and perception of light. The tanmatra of the fire element is Vision or Rupa. Water (Jala) The water element qualities include liquidity or fluidity. Water imparts the vital quality of binding – e.g. when we add water to soil, then only we can easily mould the mud into a shape we desire like mud pot or balls etc. Thus, this important element is constructive in nature and exhibits qualities such as adhesion, cooling, binding and liquidity. The tanmatra of the water element is Taste or Rasa. Earth (Pruthvi) This earth element is solid, gross, hard and dense. Earth element gives form, shape, structure and strength. For e.g. teeth, nails, bones and muscles. Nose is the sense organ related to the earth element. The tanmatra of the Earth element is Smell or Gandha. These panchmahabhoota imbalance create “tridoshas.” Every individual’s constitution is created by these three doshas at the time of fertilization during garbhdharana (when the embryo is formed.) The proportions of these 3 doshas’ are determined at this time and remain unchanged during his/her life. These doshas together determine our prakruti (body organization). These panchmahabhoota imbalance create “tridoshas” It has been already duscussed in the previous blog "what is doshas..??" https://athyul.wixsite.com/iamayudoc/post/what-is-doshas Each human being is either of Vata prakruti (prakruti dominated by vaat dosha) or Pitta prakruti (prakruti dominated by pitta dosha) or Kapha prakruti (prakruti dominated by kafa dosha) Vata dosha is formed by Aakash (Universal Space) and Vayu (air) elements; Pitta dosha is caused by Agni (Divine Fire) elements Kapha dosha is produced by Jala (Water) and Pruthvi (Earth) elements. Every human body is a well-adjusted mixture of the vata, pitta and kapha. These doshas when in an ideal balance state gives healthy status to the individual. But when there is an imbalanced, it results in disease. Pivotal is our attitude and behaviour that help in upholding health or conversely, bring on an array of diseases. Thus, the balanced diet or food intake, regular yoga exercise and timely medication (which changes according to the dominant dosh) are advocated to avoid health problems The details about the excercises, food habits which needed to be followed will be explained in coming blogs. Thank you for reading and supporting the blogs.
Thank you
Dr. Athyul P Raj
*above informations are collected from different websites and books.